Wednesday, February 8, 2012

First Week - CPH


I have been here for a week. and things are pretty interesting. Being in copenhagen is different than being in other cities because i am with family. I don't do as much exploration as I would do if I'm travelling alone, I also don't take pictures of the city for some reason. Maybe because I've been here before and maybe because there are no major touristic attractions that I can take pictures of. Instead, my time is filled with three little kids. and this is what my day is usually like.

there are 2 kinds, one where I am by myself at home and everyone's at work or school.And one where my sister is at home with me and the rest are at work/school. Usually when I'm alone I focus on self-care. take long showers, do my nails, do little things that I find interesting (i.e Soduko)

When my sister has a day off school, we usually end up shopping. Her and her Husband bought a new house about 6 months ago, which means there's always something to shops for, if not for ourselves, then its for the house. 

2 kinds as well, one with sister and kids around, and one with kids around only, both are awesome, but I love it when my sister spends time to take care of herself and does things that she wants to do. I end up doing some sort of activity with the children, knitting, wii-ing, dancing and being silly, playing games on my iPad and so on.

1 awesome kind. kids asleep, my sister, her husband and myself, watching TV shows, munching on something and cracking jokes all night till they decide to go to sleep. then its my watching whatever's on TV till I decide to sleep as well!

So as you know, i'm a couchsurfer, and it was really important for me to meet some couch surfers here in Copenhagen. so last night I met up with a big group of surfers at a place near the shopping area for drinks. local couchsurfers meet up every tuesday night, I decided to go and it was awesome! I met people from Romania, Lithuania, the states, Germany and of course a few from Copenhagen as well. I was happy I decided to go. and I hope I can do it again.

So first week, no complaints. I'm looking forward to next week though, when the kids are home for the spring break I'm planning lots of fun stuff, but I'll tell you about that next time... 

It is so easy to be on Vacation ;)

Signing Off,



  1. Aww you are sorely missed hun, but it helps knowing that you're having a wonderful time!!! =D <3

  2. Glad you're having some stress-free time to yourself!
