Monday, February 20, 2012


"Vinterferie", or spring break as we know it was over yesterday. So for the last week and weekends I've had a lot done and it was great!

Spring break was great, my sister was at school (because she does not get a spring break) but the kids were home every day and we had a really good time! it was full of activities and here's what we got to do :)The weekend right before vinterferie started, the kids and I decided to make and decorate cupcakes! now that was Fun! We got the easy cup cake mix, filled up two trays of cup cakes, baked them and then decorated them which I think was the most exciting part.

A few days later my sister says that her husband has to go to germany for work for a full day. Specifically to Hamburg which is 4 hours away. He offered to drive us, we'd drop him off somewhere and then we can keep the car for the whole day! The trip to Hamburg was so nice, it is a beautiful city and has a lot of shopping malls. It also has tons of museums which we didn't get to see because 1 - we have kids and 2 - time restrictions! We visited an interior design exhibition which my sister was really excited about and spent the rest of the day shopping.

Hamburg was nice ... But... the ride there was even better. Half way through and between Denmark and Germany, you get to go on one of those big ships where you park your car and you go up to the deck. You can get food, get shopping done or just enjoy the view! It was super exciting because I haven't done something like that before! I've been on ferries but that was different

After hamburg, there was a Noha- Maria (My oldest niece) special day where we go to go out alone, taking public transportation to get to the busy part of town and got to see the city like tourists! Of course, dropping by the Disney Store was the highlight of the trip for my niece but for me it was this little tower that I found out of no where, where for $5, you can climb up and see all of Copenhagen from top! it was really pretty and I got pictures to prove it!
Yesterday, which was technically the last day of Vinterferie, we got to go visit my sister's friends who were hosting a birthday party for one of the girls, It is not usually my scene but I had fun, the people were so nice, there was lots of music and dancing which I always like and lots of really good home made food! Who wouldn't love that?

The rest of the days were spent with family either going out locally, sitting at home doing crafts, or watching movies! The point is I think I've accomplished a lot during the last week which was nice!

The one thing left to say is I now officially got Barcelona, Spain on the map. I won't be able to stay for long but I am not complaining. I am so glad I got to add it to my itinerary.

This Friday I leave to Frankfurt! I've been looking for this for sometime now. I will be staying with a friend I met Once more than 10 years ago. More to come on that later!

This is me signing off. 

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